The Cow


  1. The cow is a pet animal. 
  2. She is very gentle and good. 
  3. We wor- ship cow. 
  4. She is our holy mother. 
  5. The cow is found everywhere in India.
  6. It has many colours. 
  7. It is white, black, red, brown and spotty. 
  8. The cow is very useful to us. 
  9. She gives us milk. 
  10. Milk is sweet. 
  11. Milk is good for us. 
  12. We make ghee and sweets from milk. 
  13. We make manure from cow-dung. 
  14. She also gives us calves. 
  15. Calves grow into bullocks. 
  16. They pull our carts and ploughs. 
  17. The cow is very good to us. 
  18. We must take good care of them. 
found (फाउंड) = पायी जाती है, everywhere (एव्रीह्वेर) = सब जगह, grain (ग्रेन) = दाना, husk (हस्क) = भूसा, oilcakes (ऑइल केक्स) = खली, manure (मैन्यूर) = खाद, cow-dung ( काउ-डंग) = गोबर, carts (कार्ट्स) = गाड़ियाँ, plough (प्लॉ) = हल, take care (टेक केयर ) = ध्यान रखना। 
