My Cow / मेरी गाय


My Cow 

1. My cow is Goumata. 
2 She is white and black. 
3. She is a four-footed animal. 
4. She has two horns and two long ears. 
5. She has two eyes. 
6. She has a long tail. 
7. She has a strong body. 
8. She eats green grass. 
9. She gives us sweet milk. 
10. Her sons are oxen. 
11. We worship her.

Meaning (शब्दार्थ) -  cow (काउ) =गाय, white (व्हाइट) = सफेद, black (ब्लैक) = काला, four-footed (फोर फूटेड) = चौपाया, animal (एनीमल) = जानवर, horns (हॉर्नस) = सींग, long (लॉन्ग) = लंबे, ears ( इअर्स) = कान, tail (टेल) = पूँछ, strong-body (स्ट्रॉंग बॉडी) = मजबूत शरीर, green (ग्रीन) = हरी, grass (ग्रास) =घास, sweet (स्वीट) = मीठा, milk (मिल्क) = दूध, sons (सन्स) = पुत्र, oxen (ऑक्सन) = बैल, worship (वरशिप) = पूजा करना। 

