
My Book/ मेरा पुस्तक

My Book/ मेरा पुस्तक   This is my book. It is made of paper. It has one hundred pages. It has many beutiful pictures in it. There are many interesting stories in it. I like them most. I keep my book on the desk. I read it daily. It has a beutiful cover. I like my book very much. Meaning (शब्दार्थ) -     

My Pen/ मेरा कलम(पेन)

My Pen/ मेरा कलम(पेन) This is my pen. It is a good pen. It is blue or its colour is blue. It is made of plastic, Its nib is made of brass. I bought it from the market. Its price is Rs. 10. I always keep it with me. I write my home-work with it. I like my pen very much. Meaning (शब्दार्थ) -   blue(ब्लू) नीला। colour (कलर) = रंग। made of (मेड ऑफ) = बना हुआ।  plastic (प्लास्टिक) = प्लास्टिक। brass (ब्रास) = पीतल।  bought (बॉट) = खरीदा। market (मार्केट) = बाजार। price (प्राइस) = मूल्य। always (आलवेज) = हमेशा। keep (कीप) रखना। homework (होमवर्क) = गृह-कार्य। like (लाइक) = पसन्द करना। very much (वेरी मच) = बहुत अधिक।    

The Dog/कुत्ता

  The Dog/कुत्ता   1. This is a dog.  2. It is a pet animal.  3. It is found in every country.  4. It has four feet and a tail.  5. It is found in many colours like white, brown, black and spotted.  6. The dog eats rice, bread, meat and milk.  7. It watches our house day and night.  8. It barks when it sees a stranger.  9. It is very faithful to its master.  10. It is very intelligent and useful animal. Meaning (शब्दार्थ) -  Dog (डॉग) = कुत्ता। pet (पेट) = पालतू। is found (इज फाउंड) = पाया जाता है। every counry (एवरी कंट्री) = हर देश में। four (फोर) = चार। feet (फीट) = पैर। many (मैनी) = अनेक। brown (ब्राउन) = भूरा। spotted (स्पॉटेड) = धब्बेदार। rice (राइस) = चावल। bread (ब्रेड) = रोटी। meat (मीट) = मांस। watch (वाच) =चौकीदारी करना। barks (बार्कस ) = भौकता है। stranger  (स्ट्रैन्जर) = अजनवी आदमी। faithful (फेथफूल) = वफादार। master (मास्टर) = मालिक। intelligent (इंटेलिजेंट) = चतुर। useful (यूजफुल) = लाभदायक।   

An Application for Sick Leave

An Application for Sick Leave To,          The Head Master,          Govt.Middle School Karra Nawapara,          Pali,Dist-Korba(C.G.) Subject:- An Application for sick leave,          Sir,                   I beg to say that I am suffering from fever since last night. So I am unable to come to school. Please grant me leave for two days from 11/12/21 to 12/12/21 till.                                        Thanks,                                                                      Yours Obediently, Date : 11/12/21                                        Dilkesh Madhukar                                                                      Class-6th

My Teacher / मेरे शिक्षक

My Teacher / मेरे शिक्षक  1. Shri Yogesh Miri is my teacher.  2. He teaches us Hindi.  3. He teaches well.  4. His voice is sweet.  5. He is never absent from the class.  6. He is a very good man.  7. He is always happy.  8. He never comes late.  9. He loves us very much.  10. We respect him.  11. He is our class teacher.  12. He does not beat us. Meaning (शब्दार्थ) - teacher (टीचर) = अध्यापक, teach (टीच) = पढ़ाना, well (वैल) = अच्छा, voice (वॉयस) = आवाज, never (नेवर) = कभी नहीं, absent (एबसेन्ट) = अनुपस्थित, happy (हैप्पी) = प्रसन्न, late (लेट) = विलम्ब, love (लव) = प्यार करना, respect (रेसपेक्ट) = आदर करना, class teacher (क्लास टीचर) = कक्षा-शिक्षक, beat (बीट) = पीटना।   

My School/Our School (मेरा विद्यालय/हमारा विद्यालय)

My School/Our School  I read in Karra nawapara School.  It is a very good school.  It is in village.  It is a boys and girls school.  It is a big school.  It has nearly one hundred students.  It has three rooms.  It has a big hall also.  It has three teachers.  Our teachers are very kind and good.  Mr. D.K.Madhukar is our class-teacher.  He teaches us English.  Mr. N.S.Dhruwe is our Headmater.  He is a gentleman.  There is a muskan library in my school.  It has lots of good books.  There is a big playground in my school.  We play kabaddi and kho-kho there.  I love my school.  It is very dear to me. Meaning (शब्दार्थ) -   nearly (नियरली) = लगभग (करीब), kind (काइन्ड) = दयालु, gentlemen (जेन्टिल मेन) = सज्जन, dear (डीयर) = प्यारा। 

My Class Room / मेरी कक्षा

My  Class Room / मेरी कक्षा  1. My name is Dilkesh.  2. I read in VI class.  3. There are thirty students in my class.  4. There are one doors and two windows in my class.  5. There is a black board in my class.  6. The boys sit on the benches.  7. There is a table and a chair in the class.  8. Our teacher writes with a piece of chalk on the black board.  9. My class room is white-washed.  10. We keep our class decorated. Meaning (शब्दार्थ)-   thirty (थर्टी) = तीस, door (डोर) = दरवाजा, one ( वन) = एक, two (टू) = दो, windows ( विंडोज़) = खिड़कियाँ, black-board (ब्लैक-बोर्ड) = श्यामपट, piece 9 पीस) = टुकड़ा, chalk ( चॉक) = श्यामपट पर लिखने की चॉक, room (रूम) = कमरा, white-washed (व्हाइट-वाश्ड) = पुता हुआ, decorated (डेकोरटेड) = सजा हुआ।